Latest best savings from Brookshire’s valid May 27 – June 2, 2015: $1.59 lb Hormel Country Style Pork Ribs; $3.99 2 Lb Bag Peaches Or Nectarines; $4.99 lb Fresh Atlantic Salmon Fillets; $8.99 lb Shell-On Gulf Shrimp; $.99 Brookshire’s Medium Eggs; B1G1 free Sweet Baby Ray’s Barbecue Sauce; $2.59 Zummo’s Boudain; $.69 Chicken Of The Sea Chunk Light Tuna; $.99 Bar-S Sliced Bologna; 4/$10 Healthy Choice Dinners Or Café Steamers Entrees; 10/$5 Yoplait Yogurt; 3/$10 Red Baron Pizza; 10/$10 Goldenbrook Farms Ice Cream Or Sherbet; 2/$4 Ragú Pasta Sauce Or Skinner Pasta; $6.99 Pilgrim’s 3 Lb Bag Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Fillets; $2.29 Nature’s Own Honey Wheat Bread; 2/$4 Peter Pan Peanut Butter; 2/$6 Full Circle Organic Salad Mix; 2/$10 Simply Fun Bouquet; $3.99 4 Lb Bag Oranges; $5.49 Peanut Butter Fudge Half Cake; $2.99 Fresh Baked Half 9″ Peach Pie; and more.
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