This week best deals from Butera valid May 20 – 26, 2015: $2.99 lb Certified Angus Beef 80% Lean Ground Chuck; $.99 lb Country Style Ribs; $2.99 Red Seedless Watermelon; $2.49 lb Sweet Cherries; $.89 Barbecue Sauce; $3.99 lb Sliced Roast beef; $.99 Food Club Sour Cream; $.99 Food Club Singles; $1.99 Country Delight Milk; $2.49 Dean’s Ice Cream; $.99 Valu Time Foam Plates; $1.49 Food Club Sauerkraut; $5.99 Goya Medium Grain Rice; $21.99 Eliki Extra Virgin Olive Oil; $1.99 Hard or Brat Buns; $8.99 Memorial Day Cookie; $2.99 Hellmann’s Mayonnaise; $1.99 Food Club Sugar; $7.99 Folgers Coffee; $.99 Food Club Yellow Mustard; $.89 Food Club Pudding Snack; $1.99 Hawaiian Punch Juice Drink; $14.99 Pinnacle Propane Exchange Tank; $6.99 lb Rib Eye Steak; $5.99 lb Salmon Fillets; $1.29 Dozen Large Eggs; $.99 lb Cluster Tomatoes; 3/$1 Cilantro; $.99 Mexican Papaya; and more.
Find all deals and offers in the latest Butera ad for your local store.
Promotions, discounts, rebates, coupons, specials, and the best sales for this week are available in the weekly ad circular for your store.