Current best savings from Butera valid May 13 – 19, 2015: $.39 lb Chicken Legs; $1.79 lb Boneless Chicken Breast; $1.99 Gallon 1%, 2% or Skim Country Delight Milk; $2.99 lb Sweet Cherries; $1.59 Kraft Salad Dressing; $1.99 Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent; $.99 French Bread; $1.99 Kaiser Rolls; $1.19 Chaokoh Coconut Milk; $1.89 Genova Tonno; $1.29 La Preferida Pinto Beans; $2.99 Violi Extra Virgin Olive Oil Blend; $2.99 Kellogg’s Cereal; $1.29 Food Club Egg Noodles; $.99 Food Club Frozen Vegetable Blends; $.99 Chicken of the Sea Chunk Light Tuna; $4.49 lb 80% Lean Ground Chuck Patties; $3.49 lb Catfish Fillets; $5.99 lb Wild Salmon Fillets; $1.99 Crystal Farms Cheese; $4.99 lb Turkey Breast; $2.99 lb Provolone Cheese; $.79 lb Vidalia Onions; $.99 lb Cluster Tomatoes; $.99 lb Gala or Golden Delicious Apples; $.79 lb Roma Tomatoes; $.49 lb Daikon; and more.
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