This week specials: $3.99 Mrs. Budd's Chicken Pie 36 oz; 2 for $6 Kellogg's Frosted Flakes; $1.49 lv Split Chicken Breast; $1.99 lb Tender Green Asparagus; $5.99 One Dozen Long Stem Roses; $0.99 lb Wunderbar German Bologna; 2 for $1 Florida Red Grapefruit; $0.89 Fresh Iceberg Lettuce; $1.99 lb Organic Zucchini Squash; $4.99 Whole Cashews 9 oz; $2.69 Fully Cooked All Natural Chicken Sausage 10 oz; $4.99 lb Golden Homestyle or Honey Turkey Breast; $0.99 lb Fresh Chicken Leg Quarters; $3.99 Blue Hill Bay Hering; 2 for $5 Sorrento Ricotta Cheese 32 oz; 2 for $4 Sabra Hummus Dip; 2 for $4 Kozy Shack Pudding 22 oz; $4.99 lb Holland Smoked Gouda; 2 for $5 Turkey Hill Ice Cream 48 oz; 2 for $4 Rumford Baking Powder 20 oz; 2 for $3 French's Yellow Mustard 20 oz; $1.99 Salada Tea Bags 100 count; and much more.
Some items and prices may not be available in all stores. Find all deals and offers from every category, in the latest DeMoulas Market Basket Weekly Ad for your local store.
Promotions, discounts, rebates, coupons, specials, and the best sales for this week are available in the weekly ad circular for your store.