Weekly specials from El Rancho valid April 15 – 21, 2015: $2.99 lb Fresh Beef Top Round Steaks; $.99 El Rancho Grade A Medium Eggs; $.99 lb Bone-In Pork Sirloin Chops; 2/$3 Imperial Granulated Sugar; $.98 Sunny D; $1.59 lb Boneless Catfish Nuggets; 2/$1 Mangos; 12/$1 Green Limes; 3lbs/$1 Roma Tomatoes; $2.99 $2.99 Mazola Corn Oil; $1.99 El Rancho Long Grain Rice; $.88 Hunt’s Ketchup; $2.99 Tide Laundry Detergent; $15.99 Huggies Jumbo Diapers; 2/$5 Dole Juice; $15.49 Fresh Made Flan; $4.99 lb Marinated Beef Loin Flap Meat; $2.29 lb Boneless Pork Stew Meat; $2.79 lb Basa Swai Fillets; $3.79 lb La Vaquita Melting Cheese; 3/$1 Small Avocados; $.79 lb Tomatillo; $.89 lb White Rose Potatoes; 3/$1 Tangerines; and more.
Find all deals and offers in the latest El Rancho ad for your local store.
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