Latest El Rancho weekly specials valid 04/01 – 04/07/2015: $3.98 lb Marinated Beef Fajitas; $.98 lb Bone-In Pork Sirloin Chops; $.99 lb Cleaned Whole Tilapia; $1.99 lb Boneless Tilapia Fillets; $1.99 Mission White or Yellow Corn Tortillas; 2/$5 El Rancho Medium Eggs; 7/$1 Small Avocados; $2.99 lb La Vaquita Fresh Cheese; 2lbs/$.88 Roma Tomatoes; $1.29 Valentina Red Hot Sauce; 2/$3 Best Choice Paper Napkins; $15.99 Huggies Jumbo Diapers; $1.88 Cupcakes; $4.99 Blue Bell Ice Cream; $4.29 lb Round Steak; $2.29 lb Marinated Chicken Breast; $2.59 lb Basa Swai Fillets; $2.49 lb La Vaquita Mexican Sour Cream; $.66 lb Jalapeno Peppers; $1.49 Russet Potatoes; 4/$1 Cilantro; $1.49 Golden Pineapple; 3/$1 Red Delicious Apples; and more.
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