Latest El Rancho savings valid 05/20 – 05/26/2015: $1.88 El Rancho Drinking Water; $3.29 lb Fresh Beef Top Round Steaks; $.99 lb Bone-In Pork Sirloin Chops; 2/$1 Best Choice Premium Paper Towels; $.39 lb Chicken Leg Quarters; $1.99 Watermelon; 5/$1 Ataulfo Mangos; 3lbs/$1 Roma Tomatoes; $1.97 El Rancho Long Grain Rice; El Rancho Foam Plates; $1.29 Kraft Sour Cream; $.99 El Rancho Liquid Bleach; $5.99 Salvadorian Style Cheese Pound Cake; $3.99 lb Marinated Beef Short Ribs; $2.69 lb Chicken Breast; $3.99 lb La Vaquita Melting Cheese; 15/$1 Green Limes; 3/$1 Small Avocados; 3lbs/$1 White Onions; $.59 lb Pinto Beans; $.66 lb Tomatillo; 4/$1 Cilantro; 4/$1 Cucumbers; $.79 lb Papaya; 3lbs/$1 Jicama; $1.39 lb Tamarind; $1.49 Cantaloupe; $1.49 Golden Pineapple; $1.69 lb Seedless Red Grapes; $.69 lb Plantains; $1.69 lb Guava; and more.
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