Featured offers in this Family Dollar Ad Sale, valid 10/8 – 10/14/2017: $4.95 Sun Liquid; $6.00 with $1 Smart Coupon Purex Liquid; $3.95 with $1 Smart Coupon Persil Liquid; $7.50 Gain Liquid; $2.75 Suavitel Liquid; $4.00 Snuggle Plus SuperFresh Liquid Fabric Softener 48.6 oz. or Sheets 105 ct.; $5.00 Costumes; $7.25 Sparkle Paper Towels; $9.50 with 50¢ Smart Coupon Angel Soft Bath Tissue; $0.88 Ajax or Palmolive Dish Liquid 12.6 oz. or Ajax Powder 28 oz; $5.00 Glad Trash Bags; $0.95 with $3 Smart Coupon Arm & Hammer Scent Booster 24 oz. or Power Paks 24-32 ct; $3.75 Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda; $3.00 Windex; $2.00 with 75¢ Smart Coupon Clorox Clean-Up; $2.25 Clorox Wipes; 2/$4.00 Lysol All Purpose Cleaner; 2/$4.00 Bright Air Odor Eliminator; $5.00 Glade Car Plug-in Air Freshener; $2.00 With $1 Smart Coupon Reynolds Wrap Regular 65 sq. ft. or Heavy Duty 42 sq. ft.; and more.
Find all deals and offers in the latest Family Dollar Flyer for your local store.
Promotions, discounts, rebates, coupons, specials, and the best sales for this week are available in the weekly ad circular for your store.