Latest Fareway grocery deals: $.98 lb All Natural Fresh Whole Chicken; $.99 Dole Premium Salads; 12/$5Fareway Vegetables; 5/$3 Fareway Cream Soup; $1.98 Princella Cut Sweet Potatoes; $1.58 Libby's Pumpkin; $1.88 Old Orchard Cranberry Naturals or Healthy Balance Juice Cocktails; 2/$3 Old Orchard 100% Apple Juice or Kids Apple or Grape Juice; 2/$.88 Fareway Macaroni & Cheese or Spiral Mac N'Cheese; $6.99 Carbonell Extra Virgin Olive Oil; $1.58 Pillsbury Ready to Spread Frosting; $7.88 Folgers Coffee; $1.88 Jif Peanut Butter; $1.98 Fareway Ice Cream; $.88 AE Sour Cream Dips; $3.88 Anderson Erickson, Land O Lakes or Kemps Chocolate Milk; $2.99 lb Boneless Pork Loin Roast; $3.99 lb Boneless Beef Round Steak; $4.99 lb Deli Style Co-Jack, Colby or Provolone Cheese; $8.88 lb Wimmer's Cured Smoked Beef; $16.99 Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers; $7.99 Sportmix Dog Food; $2.99 Texas Premium Rio Star Red Grapefruit; $1.68 lb Washington Extra Fancy Honey Crisp Apples; $1.99 lb Green House Grown Tomatoes on the Vine; and more.
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