Fareway latest best savings valid 04/14 – 04/20/2015: $5.99 lb T-Bone Steak; $3.99 Blue Bunny Ice Cream; $.78 Fareway White Hamburger or Hot Dog Buns; $.99 Fareway American Cheese Slices; $.67 Junt’s Ketchup; $.99 Fareway Potato Chips; $7.88 Kingsford Charcoal; $.99 Manwich Sauce; $2.88 Cap’n Crunch; $2.99 Crystal Light Drink Mix; $2.99 Urbane Grain Quinoa; 3/$3 Fareway Microwave Popcorn; 2/$5 Nabisco Oreo Cookies; $8.99 M&M Candies; $6.99 Glad Trash Bags; 2/$5 Purex Laundry Detergent; $2.99 Brownberry Wide Pan Breads; $1 Bounty Basic Towels; $3.99 lb Boneless Beef Round Steak; $3.99 lb Marinated Chicken Breast; $2.49 lb Fareway’s Original Bratwurst; $3.99 lb Hawaiian Ham Patties; $4.99 lb Jumbo Cod Loins; $1.79 lb coupon Fresh Ground Pork; 3/$5 Fareway Shredded or Chunk Cheese; 10/$5 Yoplait Yogurt; 2/$3 Dole Just Lettuce; 2/$3 Large Cantaloupe; and more.
Find all deals and offers in the latest Fareway weekly ad for your local store.
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