Featured offers in this Fareway weekly ad sale, valid 7/18 – 7/24/2017: $2.69 lb 80% Lean 20% Fat Ground Beef; $0.99 lb California Seedless Green, Red or Black Grapes; $0.48 lb Athena Melons; $1.48 lb California Red or Black Plums; $13.99 lb with coupon USDA Choice Whole Beef Tenderloin; $0.77 Mrs. Grimes Assorted Beans; $0.77 Chicken of the Sea Tuna; $0.88 Del Monte Vegetables; $1.99 Xtra Liquid Laundry Detergent; $8.99 lb USDA Choice Ultra Tender Sirloin Strip Steaks; $3.99 lb USDA Choice Boneless Chuck Roast; $3.99 lb All Natural Loin Back Ribs; $3.88 lb Genuine Whole Pork Tenderloin; $2.99 lb St Louis Style Pork Spare Ribs; $5.99 each Lobster Tail; $2.29 lb All Natural Center Cut Pork Chops; 5/$10 Roma Original Pizza; $0.79 lb B Size Potatoes; 2/$5 Dole Blends or Kits; 2/$5 Grillabella Mushrooms; $0.88 lb Red Onions; $1.49 lb New Zealand Jazz Apples; 3/$2 Fresh Cucumbers; $2.99 Mini Sweet Peppers 1 lb Bag; $0.49 lb Watermelon Quarters or Halves; and more.
Find all deals and offers in the latest Fareway Weekly Ad for your local store.
Promotions, discounts, rebates, coupons, specials, and the best sales for this week are available in the weekly ad circular for your store.