This week best savings from Food Lion valid 04/22 – 04/28/2015: $2.99 lb 73% Lean Ground Beef; $.99 lb Whole Chickens; $2.49 lb St. Louis Pork Ribs; 2/$4 Russet Potatoes; $1.29 lb Red Vine Cluster Tomatoes; 2/$6 Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice; $7.99 coupon Tide Liquid Laundry Detergent; $8.99 lb Beef T-Bone or Porterhouse Steak; $2.99 Ground Turkey; $8.99 lb Skinless Flounder Fillets; $6.99 lb Sara Lee Ham; $2.99 The Laughing Cow or Mini Babybel Cheese; $1.79 Food Lion Apple Juice; $2.39 Food Lion Premium Ice Cream; 2/$5 Keebler Town House or Club Crackers; $3.79 Nutella Hazelnut Spread; $1 Nabisco Go Paks; 2/$4 White House Apple Sauce; $2.39 My Essentials Cheese Singles; $.89 Taste of Inspirations Nonfat Greek Yogurt; 2/$5 Friendly’s Ice Cream; $6.29 Sparkle Paper Towels; $5.99 Huggies Baby Wipes Refill; $8.99 Cesar Dog Food; $.99 European Cucumbers; $1.99 Broccoli; 2/$5 Blackberries, Raspberries or Blueberries; 2/$5 Lemon Fritters; $9.99 Lemon Delight Bouquet; and more.
Find all deals and offers from every category, in the latest Food Lion Weekly Ad for your local store.
Promotions, discounts, rebates, coupons, specials, and the best sales for this week are available in the weekly ad circular for your store.