Current deals from Foodarama valid 04/15 – 04/21/2015: $3.17 lb USDA Select Boneless Chuck Roast; $1.67 lb Fresh Pork Spare Ribs; $2.49 New York Texas Toast; $.69 Crisp Celery; $3.49 Jif Peanut Butter; $7.79 Maxwell House Coffee; 5/$5 Hunt;s Snack Pack Puddings or Gels; $6.99 LouAna Corn Oil; $.99 Del Monte Pasta Sauce; 3/$10 Dr. Pepper Products; $.99 Oak Farms Fruit Rush; $1.99 Lala Blended Yogurt; $1.27 lb Fresh Bone-In Split Chicken Braest; $3.77 Oscar Mayer Smoked Ham; $2.99 lb Fresh Thin Sliced Breakfast Pork Chops; $.99 American Finest Sandwich Slices; $1.99 lb Fresh Ground Pork; $5.99 Lobster Tails; $3.37 lb Fresh Tilapia Fillets; 3/$1 Cilantro; 2/$1 Green Onions; $.98 Cello Iceberg Lettuce; and more.
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