Current best deals from Foodarama valid 07/22 – 07/28/2015: $.88 lb Fresh Pork Steak or Picnic Roast; 3/$1 Sweet Kiwi Fruit; $.79 lb Fresh Roma Tomatoes; $9.99 Glorious 11 Stems Bouquet; $2.99 Clementines; $.99 Grape Tomatoes; $13.99 Diamond Reef Cooked Shrimp; $1.77 lb Fresh Sirloin End Pork Chops; $3.99 lb Fresh USDA Select Eye Round Beef Roast; $4.49 lb Fresh Boneless Beef Chuck Roast; $.77 lb Fresh Chicken Thighs; $1.19 lb Fresh! Tyson Whole Chicken Fryer; $2.99 lb Diamond Reef Tilapia Fillets; $1.99 LaLa Blended Yogurt; $2.99 Lactic 100% Lactose Free Milk; $.79 Snapple Snap Tea or Punch; $1.19 Taco Bell Mild Taco Sauce; $1.19 Gebhardt Refried Beans; $1.69 Mrs. Baird’s Split Top White Bread; $1.99 Hawaiian Punch Juice Drink; $2.99 General Mills Cereal; $.99 lb Sweet Red Seedless Grapes or Maradol Papaya; $2.99 lb Fresh Beef Shoulder Roast or Fresh Boneless Beef Texas Style Ribs; and more.
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