Current Foodarama weekly sales ad: $1.88 Golden Pineapples; $1 Sirloin Pork Chops; $1 Fresh Ground Turkey; $3.97 Beef Rump of Bottom Round Roast; $1.97 Richard's Premium Smoked Sausage; $1.97 Ole Carolina Sliced Bacon; 3/$1 Sweet Oranges or Bicolor Corn; $.98 Kale; 2/$3 Premium Romaine or Double Carrots; $.68 Salad Tomatoes; $.98 Sweet Baby Carrots; 2/$5 Athena Water; $1.99 Daisy Cottage Cheese; $.99 Oak Farms Fruit Rush; $2.99 Almond Breeze Almond Milk; $1.99 Irish Spring Soap; $1.49 Ajax Dish Liquid; $4.99 Xtra Liquid Laundry Detergent; 2/$5 Blue Bell Sherbet; $2.99 Dreyer's Ice Cream; $.99 Banquet Breakfast Sandwiches; $1.79 Kid Cuisine Dinners; $1.49 Borden Milk; $1.39 Blue Ribbon Long Grain Rice; $.99 Kraft Macaroni & Cheese; $4.99 Knorr Chicken or Chicken & Tomato Bouillon; $1.69 Jif Peanut Butter; $5.99 Frito Lay Multipack; $.99 Doritos Dinamita; $.99 White Rain Body Wash; $2.39 Milo's Kitchen Dog Treats; $1.99 Colgate Toothpaste; $.99 Fresh Pork Neck Bones; $1.69 Fresh Whole Pork Picnic Roast; $2.39 Country Style Pork Ribs; $4.99 Texas Head-On White Shrimp; and more.
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