Fred Meyer Ad July 07 – July 13, 2013. Highlights: Extra 40% OFF Apparel – Shoes & Accessories, $4.98 – 2 lb Blueberries, $1.88 Fred Meyer Water 24 pk 16.9 oz bottles, $2.58 lb Fresh Boneless Chicken Breasts, 2 for $4 Ritz Crackers, 2 for $10 Olay Soap, 4 for $5 Colored Bell Peppers or English Cucumbers, $6.99 L´Oréal Excellence Hair Color, $2.49 Red Diamond Tea Bags 24 ct, 50% OFF All Beach Towels, 25% OFF Bob's Red Mill Packaged Products, 2 for $4 Special K Bars, and much more.
Find amazing prices on different product assortments for all categories in the latest Fred Meyer Ad for your favorite local store.
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