This week Fresh Market ad: $1.49 lb Turkey Breast; $.79 lb Navel Oranges; $.99 lb Pineapple; $1.29 lb Broccoli; $29.99 49 inch Plush Lion; 3/$5 Snack Crackers; $.99 ea Celery; 2/$3 Potatoes; $.99 lb Yams; 2/$5 Cranberries; 2/$7 Pumpkin Pie; $3.99 Ice Cream; 4/$5 Canned Fruit; 4/$5 Home Style Gravy; $.99 Evaporated Milk; 2/$5 Western Family Corn Syrup; 2/$5 Lipton Iced Tea; $.99 Western Family Cream Cheese; $1.79 lb Shank Portion Ham; $1.99 lb Butt Portion Ham; $3.49 lb Bavarian Half Ham; 2/$1 Western Family Mandarin Oranges; $1.99 Western Family Pumpkin; 2/$7 Dreyer's Ice Cream; $8.99 Folgers Ground Coffee; 2/$4 Pillsbury Roll Dough; $3.99 Western Family Orange Juice; $12.99 ea Togetherness Floral Bouquet; $3.99 lb Asparagus; $4.99 ea Organic Salad; and more.
Find all deals and offers in the latest Fresh Market ad for your local store.
Promotions, discounts, rebates, coupons, specials, and the best sales for this week are available in the weekly ad circular for your store.