Current Harris Teeter specials: $.99 Harris Teeter Flour; 2/$7 Land O Lakes Butter; $1.39 lb Harris Teeter All Natural Fresh Turkey; $6.99 lb NY Strip Steak or Steakhouse Roast; $7.99 lb NY Strip Steak or Steakhouse Roast; $6.99 lb Rib Roast HT Rancher Beef; $7.99 lb Rib Roast HT Reserve Angus- USDA Choice; $9.99 lb Alaska Sockeye Salmon Fillets; $2.29 lb HT Spiral Sliced Half Smoked Ham; $2.79 lb HT Traders Spiral Sliced Half Smoked Ham; $9.99 lb Southern Red King Crab Clusters; $12.99 lb Whole Beef Tenderloin; 3/$5 Blackberries; $4.99 Clementine Tangerines; 2/$3 Organic Mini Carrots Farmers Market; B1G1 free Breyers Ice Cream; B1G1 free Kraft Shredded Cheese; B1G1 free Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice; 2/$6 Tropicana Juice; B1G1 free Pumpkin or Sweet Potato Pies; B2G3 free Bertolli Pasta Sauce; B1G1 free Ocean Spray Craisins; and more.
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