This week best Harris Teeter deals valid February 25 – March 3, 2015: 2/$6 Simply Orange Juice; $12.99 lb Whole Beef Tenderloin HT Reserve Angus- USDA Choice; $11.99 lb Whole Beef Tenderloin HT Rancher Beef; B1G1 free Harris Teeter Frozen Chicken Breast or Tenders; B1G1 free Smithfield Pork Baby Back Ribs; B1G1 free Blackberries; B1G1 free Earthbound Farm Spring Mix or Spinach; B1G1 free Strawberries; 10/$10 Dannon Oikos or Light & Fit Greek Yogurt; 4/$10 Frito Lay Cantina, Doritos, Cheetos or Lay's Classic; B1G1 free Sargento Shredded Cheese; $1.49 lb Hot House Bunch Tomatoes on the Vine; 5/$5 Hot House English Cucumbers; B2G3 free Barilla Pasta Sauce; B2G3 free Barilla Penne or Spaghetti; B2G3 free EZ Peel Shrimp; B2G3 free Fresh Foods Market Meats & Cheeses; B2G3 free HT Traders Coffee; B1G1 free Birds Eye Voila!; B1G1 free HT Traders Ice Cream; B1G1 free Harris Teeter All Natural Ice Cream; and more.
Find all deals and offers from every category, in the latest Harris Teeter Weekly Ad for your local store.
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