Latest IGA grocery ad: $1.69 IGA Cereal; 3/$5 IGA Chunk or Shredded Cheese; $1.77 IGA Steak, Seasoned or Shoestring Fries; $.99 IGA Vegetables; $1.99 IGA Orange Juice; $1.99 lb Holiday Seedless Grapes; $3.49 lb Boneless Shoulder Roast; 2/$3 IGA Tomato Juice; 2/$3 IGA Lasagna or Egg Noodles; $1.99 IGA Mayonnaise or Salad Dressing; 2/$4 IGA Graham Crackers; $.99 IGA Storage or Freezer Bags; $1.39 IGA Sandwich or Round Top White Bread; 2/$5 Quaker Granola Bars, Dipps or Breakfast Cookies; 2/$3 Old Orchard Juice Cocktail; $3.69 lb Boneless Shoulder Steak; $2.69 lb Pork Loin Loin Chops; $4.49 lb 90% Lean Ground Round; $2.49 lb Boneless Western Style Pork Ribs; $2.29 lb Double G Ham Shank Portion; 2/$4 Welch's Juice Cocktail; $3.99 Yoplait Fridge Pack Yogurt; $7.99 Dutch Maid Cakes; $2.99 Michigan Red or Golden Delicious, McIntosh, Jonathan, Jonamac or Gala Apples; $1.49 Dole Celery; 2/$3 Green Giant Sliced White Mushrooms; and more.
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