Weekly Specials: $2.98 Perdue Fit & Easy Boneless Chicken Breast, Tenders or Thin Sliced; $2.98 4 lb bag New Crop Florida Navel Oranges; $9.99 Di Lusso Black Forest Ham; $7.98 lb Di Lusso Swiss Cheese; $1.98 5 lb bag New Crop Red Potatoes; $8.98 Ingles Premium Certified USDA Choice Beef T-Bone or Porterhouse Steak; $9.98 Double Roll Cottonelle Bath Tissue; $2.18 Laura Lynn Baked or Kettle Chips; $.98 Betty Crocker Cake Mix; 3/$4 Kleenex Facial Tissue; 4/$5 Laura Lynn Oyster Crackers; 2/$3 Pringles; $3.98 Papetti All White or Better N Eggs; 2/$6 Almond Breeze Milk; $6.98 Lysol Neutra Air Freshmatic Starter Kit; 10/$10 Muller Corner Greek Yogurt; $2.48 Harvest Farms All Natural Split Bone-In Chicken Breast; $8.98 Fresh Steelhead Trout Fillet; $2.98 Swai Fillets; $1.58 Perdue Oven Stuffer Roaster; $.78 Sweet Onions; $2.98 North Carolina Rome Apples 5 lb bag; $2.98 Florida Grapefruit 5 lb bag; $.78 Fresh Bunched Green; $3 Angel Food Cake; and more.
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