Kroger latest savings valid March 11 – 17, 2015: $1.88 Strawberries; $6.99 lb Whole USDA Choice Boneless Ribeye; $1.99 Del Monte Magnificent Cantaloupes; $.49 lb Heritage Farm Chicken Leg Quarters; 2/$6 Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Lunch Meat; $.99 Eggplant; 4/$5 Red, Yellow or Orange Bell Peppers or English Cucumbers; $.99 Mustard, Turnip or Kale; $7.99 Irish Blessing Bouquet; $.99 lb Piñata Apples; $1.49 lb Broccoli Crowns; 4/$5 Organic Avocados; 10/$10 Simple Truth Organic Beans; $3.99 lb Fresh Ground Chuck; $5.99 lb Boneless Chuck Roast; $139.99 Char-Griller Deluxe Charcoal Grill; 20% off CoverGirl Cosmetics; $2.99 Simply Juice; 20/$10 Fancy Feast Cat Food; $16.99 ea when you buy any 5 Iams Dog Food; $7.29 ea when you buy any 5 L’Oréal Preference Hair Color; $1.49 and up Easter Dinnerware; 20% off Easter Plush; and more.
Find all deals and offers from every category, in the latest Kroger Weekly Ad for your local store.
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