Kroger this week savings, valid 11/15 – 11/23/2017: $.59 lb Kroger Turkey; $3.99 California Clementines; $6.99 lb Whole or Half Boneless New York Strip Loin; $3.99 lb Boneless Eye or Bottom Round Roast; $.38 lb Sweet Potatoes; $5.99 Starbucks Coffee 11-12 oz Bag or K-Cups, 6-10 ct or Maxwell House Coffee, 25.6-30.6 oz Can; $1.77 Nabisco Snack Crackers or Keebler Town House or Club Crackers; 2/$1 Kroger Vegetables 14.5-15.25 oz or Kroger Broth, 14 oz, Can; 2/$5 Mayfield Ice Cream; $1.77 Kroger Cheese 8 oz or Kroger Natural Slices, 6 oz; $49.99 Express Turkey Dinner; $3.99 Kroger Cranberry Celebration Sold by the pound or 16 oz Package or Alouette Double Creme Brie, 8 oz; $9.99 Holiday Celebration Caramel Apple Pie; 10/$10 Kroger or Birds Eye Vegetables; $3.99 and up Hatchimals Colleggtibles; 3/$10 Tombstone Pizza 17.8-22 oz or DiGiorno Pizza Buns, 6 ct; $2.99 all Laundry Detergent 46.5-50 fl oz or Snuggle Fabric Softener, 31.7-32 fl oz or Dryer Sheets, 70-80 ct; $1.99 lb Fresh Heritage Farm Boneless Chicken Breasts or Boneless Thighs; $34.99 Elite Roaster Oven; $9.99 Good Cook Roaster; $4.99 Holiday Home Harvest Mega or Critter Mug; $1.99 HD Designs Christmas Mini Pillows; and more.
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