Lowes best savings valid March 11 – 17, 2015: $.39 lb Crisp Green Cabbage; $6.99 Chocolate Cake; $3.69 Full Circle Apple Juice; 2/$5 Full Circle Applesauce; 2/$6 Snuggle Fabric Softener; 2/$6 Hidden Valley Salad Dressing; 2/$4 Prego Pasta Sauce; 2/$5 Egglands Best Jumbo White Eggs; 10/$10 Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls; 2/$4 Yoplait Go-Gurt; $6.49 lb Land O’ Lakes Muenster Cheese; B1G1 free Star’s Hot Dog Chili; 2/$6 Breyers Ice Cream; 3/$6 Green Giant Steamers; 2/$4 Betty Crocker Cookie Mix; $7.99 lb Atlantic Salmon Fillet; $3.99 lb Corned Beef Brisket Flats; $11.99 lb EZ Peel Raw Shrimp; $3.99 Smithfield Sliced Bacon; $7.97 lb T-Bone Steaks; 5/$% California Artichokes; $1.68 Cut & Peeled Baby Carrots; 2/$6 Fresh Blackberries; 2/$6 Fresh Express Organic Salads; B1G1 free Red Potatoes; $1.78 Yellow Cooking Onions; and more.
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