This week best Market Basket deals valid April 19 – 25, 2015: $3.99 lb Boneless Chuck Roast; $1.69 lb Whole Boneless Pork Loins; $2.99 lb Boneless Chicken Tenders; 5/$1.99 Super Sweet Corn; 2/$5 Doritos Nacho Chips; 3/$5 Jell-o Pudding; 2/$5 Jumbo Size Cantaloupes; $2.99 Sweet Florida Blueberries; $1.99 Glory Foods Collards or Kale; $.99 lb Plump Roma Tomatoes; $.69 Organic Sweet Bananas; $6.99 Mini Orchids; $3.99 American Cheese; $5.99 lb Alaskan Cod Fillets; $3.49 Shady Brook Ground Turkey; $2.99 lb Perdue Ground Chicken; 2/$6 Simply Juice Blends; 2/$3 Langers 100% Apple Juice; 2/$3 Wise Potato Chips; 2/$3 Vlasic Kosher Spears; $149.99 Thermos Gas Grill; $2.69 Blueberry or Corn Muffins; and more.
Find all deals and offers in the latest Market Basket weekly ad for your local store.
Promotions, discounts, rebates, coupons, specials, and the best sales for this week are available in the weekly ad circular for your store.