Demoulas Market Basket circular specials, valid 5/15-5/21/2016: $1.79 lb Boneless & Skinless Chicken Breast; $3.99 lb 85% Lean Ground Beef Patties; $2.69 lb USDA Choice Certified Angus Beef Boneless Bottom Round Roast; $2.29 lb Fresh Pork Spare Ribs; $6.99 lb Rare Roast Beef; $7.99 lb Ocean Fresh Wild All Natural Norwegian Salmon Fillets; $3.99 Cut Tulip Bouquets; $1.29 California Crisp Celery Bunch; $0.79 each Imported Tropical Mangos; $0.99 lb Fresh Green Peppers; $9.99 lb Ocean Fresh Wild All Natural Icelandic Large Cod Loins; $2.99 lb Ocean Fresh New England Top Neck Clams; $8.99 lb Fresh Farm Raised Boneless Rainbow Trout Fillets; $6.99 lb Wild All Natural Canadian Sockeye Salmon Fillets; $3.99 lb St. Clemens Danish Blue Cheese; $0.99 lb Fresh Whole Chickens; 2/$3 Jones Golden Brown Sausage; $1.99 Oscar Mayer Franks; $2.59 lb Boneless Chicken Thighs; $4.49 lb Thin Sliced Chicken Cutlets; $6.99 lb Coleman Organic Chicken Tenders; 5/$10 Smart Ones Entrees; $3.99 Freschetta Pizza; 2/$5 Alexia French Fries; $1.99 Mini Cupcakes; and more.
Find all deals and offers in the latest Demoulas Market Basket Weekly Circular for your local store.
Promotions, discounts, rebates, coupons, specials, and the best sales for this week are available in the weekly ad circular for your store.