Demoulas Market Basket circular specials, valid 9/25 – 10/1/2016: $2.99 lb Beef Round Cube Steak; $2.49 lb Certified Angus Beef Top Round Roast; $1.69 lb Boneless Pork Sirloin; $9.99 lb Ocean Fresh Swordfish Steaks; $0.99 Crisp California Celery Bunch; $0.79 lb Imported Sweet Slicing Onions; $5.99 Dunkin Donuts Coffee; 5/$5 Progresso Vegetable Soups; $0.89 lb Fall Apples in Carry Home Totes; $1.69 lb California Peaches; $1.79 lb Black Seedless Grapes; $0.99 each Tommy Atkins Mangos; $0.59 lb Russet Potatoes; $0.39 lb Sugar or Show Pumpkins; $7.99 Pumpkin Patch Bouquet; $3.99 New England Grown Hardy Mums 8 Inch; $8.99 lb Fresh Ocean Raised Norwegian Salmon Fillets; $9.99 lb Ocean Fresh Wild All Natural Icelandic Cod Loins; $4.99 lb Freshly Dug Steamer Clams; $9.99 lb Jumbo Raw Shrimp; $1.79 lb Fresh Boneless Chicken Thighs; $2.49 lb Fresh Pork Spare Ribs; $1.39 lb Fresh Whole Chickens; $3.49 lb Fresh Turkey Tenderloins; $5.99 lb Fresh American Boneless Butterflied Lamb Leg; $4.99 Foster Farms Chicken Corn Dogs; $4.99 Boston Coffee Cake; and more.
Find all deals and offers in the latest Demoulas Market Basket Weekly Circular for your local store.
Promotions, discounts, rebates, coupons, specials, and the best sales for this week are available in the weekly ad circular for your store.