Weekly specials from Market Basket valid 04/26 – 05/02/2015: $6.99 lb Norwegian Salmon Steaks; $1.99 lb Market Basket Chicken Breast; $1.99 lb Our Own Vienna Bologna; 2/$3 Large Eggs; 2/$5 Hood Ice Cream; 2/$5 Silk Almondmilk; $.99 Fresh Avocados; $1.39 lb |Organic Bartlett Pears; $4.99 Imported Swiss Cheese; $3.99 lb Sorrento Provolone Cheese; $9.99 lb Large Cod Loins; $4.99 Shady Brook Ground Turkey; 2/$3 Cabot Cottage Cheese; 2/$5 Minute Maid Orange Juice; $3.99 Talenti Gelato; 4/$5 Kleenex Facial Tissues; $6.99 Huggies Diapers; 2/$4 Market Basket Mini Strawberry Shortcake; $1.99 Dynamo Laundry Detergent; $1.29 Soft Serve Ice Cream; $2.99 Ciabatta Bread; $8.99 Ricotta Pie 7 inch; $3.99 Pecan Raisin Bread; and more.
Find all deals and offers in the latest Market Basket weekly ad for your local store.
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