This week best deals from Publix valid July 22 – 28, 2015: $9.99 lb Boneless New York Strip Steaks; 2/$5 Pineland Farms Mashed Potatoes; $9.99 lb Extra Large White Shrimp; B1G1 free Nabisco Ritz Crackers; $2.79 Publix Honey Ham; 2/$5 Publix Cheese Slices; 2/$8 Bridgford Snack Sticks; $5.99 Salsa Bouquet; $1.99 lb Organic Tomatoes on the Vine; $7.99 lb Sockeye Salmon Fillets; $3.99 lb Publix Premium Chicken Fillets; $9.99 lb Publix GreenWise Top Sirloin Fillets; $3.49 lb Publix Pork Loin Rib Chops; $1.99 lb Cherries; $.59 lb Southern Seedless Sliced Watermelon; 10/$10 Green Avocados; $3.99 Butter Pound Cake; 2/$1 Cucumbers; $7.49 Key Lime Pie; $4.79 Puff Pastry Bites, 15-Count; B1G1 free Pompeian Extra Virgin Olive Oil; B1G1 free Marie Callender’s Entrée; $9.99 Charmin Bathroom Tissue; $8.99 Pampers Diapers; 2/$1 Crayola Crayons; 4/$6 Campbell’s Chunky Soup; 2/$4 General Mills Cheerios Cereal; and more.
Find all deals and offers in the latest Publix Weekly Ad for your local store.
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