Remke Bigg’s Circular July 01 – July 07, 2013. Highlights: 5 for $1 In the Husk – White or Bi-Color Sweet Corn, $0.88 Coca-Cola Brands 2 liter, $1.99 Lay's Potato Chips, 5 for $10 Gold Star Chili, $2.99 lb Pork Loin Back Ribs, $3.99 Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing 24 oz, 2 for $5 Goetze's Caramel Creams 13.2 oz, $6.99 Brawny Paper Towels 6 big roll or 8 roll, $1.48 lb On the Vine Tomatoes, $5.99 Strawberry & Cream Cake, 3 for $4 Crystal Farms Cream Cheese, 2 for $10 Lobster Tails, $2.69 lb All Natural Boneless Chicken Breast, 2 for $5 Borden Cheese or Sargento Cheese, and more.
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