Latest best deals from Safeway valid September 2 – 8, 2015: $7.99 lb USDA Choice Beef Ribeye Steak; $14.99 lb Fresh Jumbo Scallops or Wild King Salmon Fillets; 20/$10 Yoplait Yogurt; 2/$4 Bush’s Best Baked or Grillin’ Beans; $6.99 8-Piece Dark Meat Fried or Roasted Chicken; $1.49 lb Sweet Yellow Peaches; $1.49 lb Bartlett Pears; 2/$6 Fresh Express Salad Blends; $7.99 lb USDA Choice Boneless Beef Tri Tip Roast; $3.99 lb Farmer John Boneless Pork Top Loin Chops; $3.99 lb Hand Trimmed Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts; $6.99 lb Fresh Rockfish Fillets or Cooked Shrimpmeat; $9.99 Patriotic Rose Bouquet; $16.99 Fresh Fruit Tart; 2/$1 Kiwi Fruit; $2.99 Planters Peanuts; $2.99 when you buy 4 Kraft Parmesan Cheese; $2.98 Guerrero White Corn Tortillas; $2.49 Febreze Air Care; $25.99 Pampers Diapers Super Pack; and more.
Find all deals and offers from every category, in the latest Safeway Weekly Ad for your local store.
Promotions, discounts, rebates, coupons, specials, and the best sales for this week are available in the weekly ad circular for your store.