Current Shop'n Save weekly ad: $2.98 lb Fresh 75% Lean Ground Beef; $1.88 ea 10 lb. Bag Farm Stand Russet Idaho Potatoes; $.88 Essential Everyday Sour Cream or Cream Cheese; 2/$4 Kraft Chunk or Shredded Cheese; 2/$5 Kellogg's Cereals; 10/$10 Pillsbury Cake or Brownie Mix; 10/$10 Wolf Brand Chili with Beans or Essential Everyday Soup & Oyster Crackers; 10/$10 Pom Wonderful or Old Orchard Healthy Balance or Cocktail Juice; 10/$10 Heinz Gravy or Essential Everyday Black Olives; $1.99 lb Turkey Breast; $6.99 lb Fresh Atlantic Salmon Fillets; $3.99 Fall Decorated Cupcakes; $1.28 lb Jumbo Yellow Onions; 2/$3 Hass Avocados; $1.98 lb Hot House On The Vine Tomatoes; $3.99 ea Fresh Blueberries; 10/$10 Dole Pineapple or Essential Everyday Fruit; $9.99 Essential Everyday Olive Oil; $2.99 Shedd's Spread Country Crock; 2/$4 Suave Professionals Men Shampoo or Conditioner; 2/$4 Suave Kids Hair Care; $6.49 Lipton Tea K-Cups; $6.99 Dove Bar Soap; and more.
Find all deals and offers in the latest Shop’n Save weekly ad for your local store.
Promotions, discounts, rebates, coupons, specials, and the best sales for this week are available in the weekly ad circular for your store.