Latest savings from Ultra Foods valid April 29 – May 5, 2015: $1 lb Plum Tomatoes; $.99 lb Sanderson Farms All Natural Grade A Chicken Thighs or Drumsticks, Split Breast; $1 Hass Avocados; 2/$1 Fresh Large Garlic; $.69 lb Fresh Jalapeno Peppers; 3/$1 Fresh Cilantro or Limes; 2/$4 Arm & Hammer 2X Liquid Detergent; 4/$10 Hinckley Springs Water; $7.99 Strawberry Shortcake or Tres Leche Cake; $3.49 Country Crock Tub; 2$5 Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese; $5.99 lb Boneless Top Round Roast; $3.99 lb Fresh Whole Catfish; $6.99 lb Fresh Cod Fillets; 2/$4 Barilla Pasta Sauce; $.99 Del Monte Vegetables; $9.99 Brawny Paper Towels; 4/$5 Little Debbie Snacks; $39.99 3 piece Bistro Set; $29.99 Patio Umbrellas; $5.99 Animal Kid’s Chair or Camp Chair; $3.99 Sun Tea Jar; 2/$4 Strawberries; $1.98 lb Red Seedless Grapes; 2/$1 Tropical Kiwi Fruit; $14.99 10″ Boston Ferns; 2/$6 Organic Romaine Hearts 3 pk; and more.
Find all deals and offers in the latest Ultra Foods weekly ad for your local store.
Promotions, discounts, rebates, coupons, specials, and the best sales for this week are available in the weekly ad circular for your store.