This week best Vallarta deals valid 08/26 – 09/01/2015: 3lbs/$1 Pinto Beans; $1.99 lb Fresh Beef Shank; 2lbs/$1 Red Ripe Roma Tomatoes; 5/$1 Crisp Cucumbers; $2.99 lb White Shrimp; 3/$5 1-2-3 Vegetable Oil; $1.99 Downy Fabric Softener; 3/$5 Fritos or Cheetos; $.89 Bar-S Jumbo Franks; $.99 Palmolive Dish Soap; $5.99 Springfield Frozen Waffles; $.99 Vallarta Round Top Bread; $1.99 Selecta Wheat Flour; 2/$5 Lay’s Potato Chips; $2.99 Hormel Black Label Bacon; 2/$5 Vallarta Corn Tortillas; $1.99 Springfield Oatmeal; 2/$1 El pato Hot Tomato Sauce; 2/$3 Goya Black or Garbanzo Beans; $5.99 Springfield Waffles; $1.99 Springfield Mayonnaise; 2/$4 Springfield American Singles; $5.99 Fruit Salad; $5.99 lb Beef New York Steak; $1.59 lb Pork Sirloin End Chops; $.69 lb Fresh marinated Chicken Leg Quarters; $2.99 lb White Shrimp; 2lbs/$1 Fresh Tomatillos; $1.99 Baby Bell Peppers; and more.
Find all deals and offers in the latest Vallarta weekly ad for your local store.
Promotions, discounts, rebates, coupons, specials, and the best sales for this week are available in the weekly ad circular for your store.