Featured offers in this Vallarta Supermarkets weekly ad valid 1/27-2/2/2016: 2 lbs/$1 Red Ripe Roma Tomatoes; 5/$1 Small Avocados; $2.99 each Seedless Tango Mandarins; $0.99 each Jumbo Mangos; $2.99 lb Fresh Bone-in Beef Chuck Steak or Roast; $0.99 lb Pork Sirloin End Chops; $2.99 lb El Mexicano Fresh Mexican Cheese; 2/$4 Sweet Pineapple; 2 lbs/$1 Juicy Cantaloupe; $1.49 lb Chicken Fajitas or Chicken Diced for Tacos; $1.99 lb Farmer John Pork Ham; $0.99 each Gamesa Cookies; $3.99 each Fast Fixin Chicken Breast Nuggets or Strips; 3/$9.99 Pepsi Cola, Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Manzanita Sol or Crush; 2/$5 Vallarta Dried Chiles; $0.99 La Costena Whole Jalapenos; $2.99 Panda Express Orange, Mandarin or Sweet Chili Sauce; 2/$1 Knorr Soups; $3.99 Nabisco Single Serve Cookies; $1.49 lb Fresh Country Style Pork Strips; $5.99 lb Fresh Beef Bone-in Rib Eye or New York Steak; $0.69 lb Fresh White Chicken Drumsticks; $0.99 lb Broccoli Crowns; 2 lbs/$1 Red Potatoes; and more.
Find all deals and offers in the latest Vallarta Weekly Ad for your local store.
Promotions, discounts, rebates, coupons, specials, and the best sales for this week are available in the weekly ad circular for your store.