Winn Dixie circular – Thanksgiving sale: $.99 lb Butterball Frozen Turkeys; $7.99 10 Inch Gourmet Pies; $11.99 Cheesecakes; $3.99 Badia Mojo Marinade; 4/$5 Dole Pineapple; $5.99 Tide Laundry Detergent; 2/$3 Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce; B1G1 free Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese; $1.93 Winn-Dixie Spread; 5/$5 Yoplait Greek 100 Yogurt; $1.89 lb Fresh Butterball Turkeys; $.79 lb Frozen Honeysuckle White Turkeys; B1G1 free Hormel Cure 81 Ham; $5.99 lb Premium Aged Red Hoop Cheddar; $2.49 lb Smithfield Spiral Sliced Half Ham; starting at $19.99 Fresh Arrangements; 2/$5 Crisco Vegetable Oil; 20% off All Metal Or Glass Bakeware; $2.49 ea Broccoli; $5.96 ea California “Cuties” Clementines; $.89 ea Celery; $2.49 ea Fresh Cranberries; B1G1 free Cheez-It Crackers Or Keebler Club Crackers; and more.
4 days sale, 11/19-11/22: $5.99 Winn-Dixie Vegetable Oil; $10 ea 10 Pack 1/4 Lb. Angus Beef Patties; $1.77 lb WD Whole Pork Boston Butt; and more.
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