This week specials: $0.28 lb Shady Brook Farms Frozen Grade A Hen or Tom Turkeys – must spend $100; $0.98 Birds Eye Box Vegetables; $1.98 Polly-O Mozzarella Cheese; $0.48 Campbell's Canned Gravy; 30% OFF Raw Shrimp Spectacular; $2.98 Meaty Bone Chew-Lotta; $2.98 Caress Body Wash or 4 Pack Bar Soap; $0.98 Vigo Yellow Rice; $4.48 Aquafina 24 Pack Water; $1.98 Nabisco Premium Rounds; $1.98 lb Americas Choice Fresh Hotel Style Turkey Breast; $16.98 lb Ambriola Parmigiano Reggiano Ruffcut; $5.98 Corn, Sweet Potato or Carrot Souffle; $11.98 Homestyle Double Layer Cake 38-50 oz; $4.98 lb Tilapia or Swai Fillet; $2.48 Christopher Ranch Fresh Shallots 2-3 oz; 2 for $3.98 Large Maine Broccoli; $3.98 lb Angus Beef USDA Choice Bottom Round Roast; 50% OFF Doritos or Ruffles; and much more.
Some items and prices may not be available in all stores. Find all deals and offers from every category, in the latest Pathmark Weekly Ad for your local store.
Promotions, discounts, rebates, coupons, specials, and the best sales for this week are available in the weekly ad circular for your store.