Latest savings from Shaws Flyer, valid 4/7 – 4/13/2017: 6 Inch Easter Lillies; $1.19 lb Cook’s or Hormel Spiral Hams; $2.99 Land O’ Lakes Butter; 5/$5 Green Giant Frozen Vegetables; $8.99 lb Haddock Fillets skinless or Waterfront Bistro Extra Large Cooked Shrimp 26/30 ct; Buy 2 Get 2 Free Progresso Traditional and Rich & Hearty Soups; $1.99 lb Brussel Sprouts; 2/$5 Golden Ripe Pineapple; 77¢ lb Sweet Potatoes; $1.29 lb California Navel Oranges or Minneola Tangelos; $1.29 lb Fuji or Granny Smith Apples; $2.99 lb Red or Black Grapes; $2.99 lb Fresh Asparagus; $1.79 lb Peeled Butternut Squash; 5/$2 Loose Sweet Corn; $1.99 lb Tomatoes On The Vine; $4.99 lb Lamb Loin Chops; $1.79 lb Smithfield Assorted Pork Chops; $12.99 lb Colossal Gulf Shrimp; $6.99 lb Skinless Cod Fillets; $7.99 lb Waterfront Bistro Medium Cooked Shrimp; $4.99 ea Chef’s Trimmed Skinless Salmon Portions; $4.99 lb Littleneck Clams; $6.99 ea Store Made Bunny Cakes; $7.99 Store-Made 7 Inch Strawberry Shortcake; 2/$7 Godiva, Ghirardelli or Lindt Foil Rabbits; and more.
Find all deals and offers in the latest Shaws Weekly Circular for your local store.
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