Weekly Sale Specials: $1.28 each Sweet Florida Strawberries 16 oz.; $0.98 lb Fresh Large Cluster Tomatoes; $1.28 lb Sweet Red Seedless Grapes; $5.99 lb USDC Farm Raised in USA Catfish Fillets; $9.99 Wholey Cooked Shrimp 1 lb Bag; $1.48 lb US Gov’t Insp. Fresh Cut Bone-in Pork Butt Roast; $0.48 lb US Gov’t Insp. Fresh Cut Chicken Leg Quarters; $1.98 lb US Gov’t Insp. Fresh Cut Pork Shoulder Steak; $3.99 Bon Appetit Pizza; 2/$4 Birds Eye Steamfresh Premium Vegetables; $4.99 Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice; $3.99 lb USDA Choice Black Angus Boneless Beef Bottom Round Roast; $2.79 lb Fresh Daily 80% Lean Ground Beef; $4.89 lb USDA Choice Boneless Beef Cube Steak; $1.29 lb US Gov’t Insp. Fresh Cut Thin Sliced Beef Liver; $1.79 lb US Gov’t Insp. Fresh Cut Pork Country Style Ribs; $3.49 lb US Gov’t Insp. Frozen Whole Rabbit; $0.79 lb Fresh California Celery; and more.
Find all deals and offers in the latest Valli Produce Weekly Ad for your local store.
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